Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fast Food Forward?

When I walk into a Mcdonalds, I'm usually greeted by a young man or woman learning the ropes about work. We all worked in fast food, bussed tables, or had entry level jobs which taught us work ethic and the value of the dollar.

None of us expected to get rich off these jobs. We were making minimum wage. We expected to move onto another job which would teach us and pay us more.

Entry level jobs aren't designed to become a career. There's alot of turnover, and a spot is almost always open for the next batch of high school students.

The problem we're facing now is that for some, the entry level job is becoming a career.

In comes the grassroots protest movement: Fastfood Forward.

Fastfood Forward is made up of around 200 fastfood employees. Their demands?
  • $15 an hour
  • Unionization
  • Full Benefits
What's wrong with this picture?

The same people protesting could find themselves out of a job. If Mcdonalds had to pay someone $15 an hour, provide full benefits, and deal with a Union, theyre going to be extremely selective of who they hire. It will be a golden privilege to work at Mcdonalds.

The employees at this new Mcdonalds will most likely be qualified salespeople. Mcdonalds will have to generate significant revenue to pay these kinds of wages.

Competition will be fierce. Resumes will come from all over. People will move from one state to another to take advantage of Mcdonald's job opportunities.

Unemployment rates for high school kids will rise dramatically. It will be much harder for a high school kid to find a job, and competition will be fierce on that as well.

Prices will go up. A value meal won't be $7 - $8 dollars. It will be more like $15 - $16.

We're already re-thinking fast food because we're trying to eat healthier. We're not going to Mcdonalds if prices are too high.

There's already several politicians supporting the protests. I'm sure these protests are going to expand as time goes on. There will be unintended consequences for this, and we're all going to end up paying for it if this happens.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Falling off the Fiscal Cliff

John Stossel did a piece on the spending of the Federal Government. Below is the link:

It's called the Money Hole. I'm shocked by how politicians spend our hard-earned money.

Some of these "grants" include:
  • Testing how fast shrimp run on treadmills
  • Massive Alpaca farming tax deductions
  • Robots that fold laundry
  • And many many more
Why are we paying for this stuff?

Government just loves to spend money. It's easy to spend other people's money, especially when you can print more when you've gone over budget.

Is this how we got to the Fiscal Cliff?

I wonder what would happen if we fell off the Fiscal Cliff. It will probably mean that the Government will be forced to spend a little less. That's it.

It's a good start. Anything is better than this deficit. No country is able to sustain this. Look at Greece!

Our children and grandchildren will be paying back our deficit many years from now. Maybe falling off the Fiscal Cliff is just what we need.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Romney Didn't Inspire Us

The Presidential election came and went in a New York minute. In less than an hour, both Republicans and Democrats were shocked. Everyone thought it was going to be so close. It wasn't.


Romney didn't inspire us. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with demographics, the mandate on the Catholic Church, gay rights or even the economy. Romney just didn't inspire us.

Reagan inspired us. His ability to transcend party lines couldn't be quantified. George W Bush had a similar ability, albeit not nearly as special. We liked and trusted him. We gave him two terms.

Obama was the Reagan for the 2008 Democrat party. He inspired us. We gave him a term. He didn't however inspire us in 2012, but neither did Romney. Obama was the incumbent. He won because people didn't want to change. They were uninspired.

Now the Democrat party is trying to eliminate the Republican party. They want to reign Republicans in and turn them into the Democrat party. Democrats are saying that Republicans need to change their focus, and try to get votes from all the different demographics.

We aren't statistics. We're people. We aren't demographics. We're human beings. The Republicans don't need to change, or focus energies on attracting specific demographic blocks. We need a leader who inspires all of us.
