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Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saint Bridget (Patron of Sweden)
Patron Saint: Widows
Additional Patronage: Sweden
Canonized: 1391 by Pope Boniface
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Visions of Jesus Christ and the Crucifixion
Fully dedicated her life to The Message of Christ
Exceptional writings based on her visions
Founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior, which now stands today as the Bridgettines
Saint Bridget Medals, Crosses and Rosary
Saint Bernadette of Lourdes (Vision of the Virgin Mother)
Patron Saint: Lourdes, France
The story of Bernadette is reknowned worldwide. St. Bernadette was one of six children born to a poor family in France, in the year 1844. After Bernadette recieved her first Communion, she was witness to several visions by the Virgin Mother of God to enter the Convent of the Sister at Lourdes. There, she was tended for by the Sisters due to her severe sickness. Even during this time she was constantly visited by Christians hearing of her beautiful visions of the Holy Mary and asking for her blessing. Bernadette died in prayer at the age of 34. 30 years after Bernadette passed away, her coffin was exumed because Pope Pius XI wished to offer Bernadette beautifucation due to her piousness and visions of the Holy Mother. What was found was truly a miracle, which almost immediately led to her canonization as a Saint. Saint Bernadette looked exactly the same as the day of her death. Not even the smallest hint of decay or smell was present. To this day, the tomb of St. Bernadette is visited by millions of pilgrims witnessing one of the greatest known visible miracles known today.
Prayer of St. Bernadette:
St. Bernadette, little shepherdess of Lourdes favoured with eighteen apparitions of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and with the privilege of lovingly conversing with her, now that you are eternally enjoying the entrancing beauty of the Immaculate Mother of God, do not forsake me your devoted client, who am still in the valley of tears. Intercede for me that I too, may walk the simple paths of faith. Help me to imitate your example, at our heavenly Queens request, by saying the Rosary daily and by doing penance for sinners. Teach me to imitate your wonderful devotedness to God and Our Lady the Immaculate Conception so that like you, I may be blessed with the grace of lasting faithfulness and enjoy the happiness in heaven of the eternal vision of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Amen.
Nothing is anything more to me; everything is nothing to me, but Jesus: neither things nor persons, neither ideas nor emotions, neither honor nor sufferings. Jesus is for me honor, delight, heart and soul. - Saint Bernadette
Born: January, 1844, Lourdes, France
Died: April, 1879, Nevers, France
Beautified: 1925
Canonized: 1933 by Pope Pius XI
Name Means: Brave as a bear
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Miracle of uncorrupted body at death to present
Both Church and Public acknowledgement of the Lourdes Vision of the Virgin Mary
Miracles at her tomb in Lourdes
Remarkable piousness and devotion to Jesus Christ
Caring for the sick and helpless
Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Medals, Prayer Cards and Rosary
Saint Barbara (Patron of Protection from Harm)
Prayer of St. Barbara:
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.Amen Oh God, who among the other miracles of Your power, have given the victory of martyrdom, grant, we beseech You, that we, who are celebrating the heavenly Blessed Barbara, Your Virgin and Martyr, may by her example draw nearer to you. Amen.
Born: Early 200 AD
Died: 235 AD
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Martyred by beaheading
Zealot against polytheism
One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers - Against Sudden Death and Fever
Wonder Worker - Protected from harm, specifically: Lighting and Fire
Saint Barbara Medals, Prayer Cards and Statuettes
Saint Anne (Patron of Housewives)
Patron Saint: Housewives
Prayer of St Anne:
Glorious Saint Anne, we think of you as filled with compassion for those hwo invoke you and with love for those who suffer. Heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present affiar which I commend to you under you special protection. Deign to commend it to your daughter, our Blessed Lady, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy conclusion. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face. With you and Mary and all the saints, may I praise and bless Him for all eternity. Amen. Good Saint Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray for me.
Name Means: Gracious One
Additional Patronages: Mothers, Grandmothers, Against Poverty, Childless People and Women in Labor
Canonized: 1584
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Miracles: Through endless prayer of her Husband Joachim, the childless St. Anne was able to concieve
An Angel appeared to St. Anne, telling her that she would concieve the Mother of God
Life of a Saint:
Mother of the Virgin Mary
Remarkable Piousness
Saint Anne Charm Medal
Saint Anna (Patron of Women in Labor)
Patron Saint: Women in Labor
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
One of the very few women mentioned in both the Old and New Testament
Cared for Both Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mother in the Temple Mount at the same time
Saint Anna Pendant Medal
Saint Angela (Patron of Widows)
Name Means: Angel
Patron Saint: Widows
Additional Patronages: Against sexual temptation, Death of Children, People ridiculed for their piety
Memorial: January 4th
Also Known as: Saint Angela of Foligno and The Mistress of Theologians
Blessed Saint Angela of Foligno:
God presents himself in the inmost depths of my soul. I understand not only that he is present, but also how he is present in every creature and in everything that has being, in a devil and a good angel, in heaven and hell, in good deeds and in adultery or homicide, in all things, finally, which exist or have some degree of being, whether beautiful or ugly. I also understand that he is no less present in a devil than a good angel. Therefore, while I am in this truth, I take no less delight in seeing or understanding his presence in a devil or in an act of adultery than I do in a good angel or in a good deed. This mode of divine presence in my soul has become almost habitual. Moreover, this mode of God's presence illuminates my soul with such great truth and bestows on it such divine graces that when my soul is in this mode it cannot commit any offense, and it receives an abundance of divine gifts. Because of this understanding of God's presence my soul is greatly humiliated and ashamed of its sins. It is also granted deep wisdom, great divine consolation, and joy.
Born: 1248 Italy
Died: January 4th, 1309
Beautified: 1693 by Pope Innocent XII
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Gave up immoral life for Christ
Franciscan Tertiary
Known for her exceptional charity and patience
Converted after witnessing Christ in a vision
Mystic and writer
Saint Angela Medals and Statuettes
Saint Alyssa (Patron of Paralyzed People)
Patron Saint: Paralyzed People
Died: 1250 AD
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Entered the Cistercian Convent at age 8
Exceptionally humble and influential
Paralyzed and blind as a teenager, her Faith in the Lord became much greater, and she became a bastion to pilgrims
Divine Visions of Christ
Saint Alyssa Pendant and Charm Medals
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saint Alice (Patron of Germany)
Also Known as: Alice of Guelders and Adelaide of Bellich
Memorial: February 5th
Born: Late 900's, Germany
Died: February 5th, 1015 in Munich, Germany
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Benedictine Nun
Abbess of Villich and Our Lady of Cologne
Known for her exceptional dedication to the poor
Insisted that the Sisters in her Convent learn Latin so they could better understand Mass
Saint Alice Charm Medal
Saint Alexandra (Defender of Humanity)
Patron Saint: Defender of Humanity
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
St. Alexandra was part of 300 Christian women on a mission of peace to Rome. During this time, Christian persecution was rampant under Emperor Diocletian, and every one of the women were Martyred by being burned alive.
Saint Alexandra Pendants and Medals
Saint Agnes (Patron of Engaged Couples)
Prayer of St Agnes:
All-powerful and ever-living God, You choose the weak in this world to confound the powerful. When we celebrate the memory of Saint Agnes, may we like her remain constant in our faith. Amen.
The Name Agnes means "Chastity" or "Lamb". Saint Agnes at a very young age was ordered to worship and sacrifice to the pagan gods and be raped to lose her virginity. When told to do this she made the Sign of the Cross. Saint Agnes was then beaten and tortured while being forced to renounce God. She refused and was Martyred by being stabbed in the throat.
Also Known as: Saint Agnes of Rome
Born: Late 200 AD
Died: 304 AD, tortured. Historical information not clear yet
Additional Patronages: Purity of Soul and Body, Virgins, Chastity and Girl Scouts
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Refused sacrifice to pagan gods
Chose death over consecration of Virginity in an illicit marriage
Saint Agnes Medals and Statuettes
Saint Abigail (Wife of King David)
Patron Saint: Wife of the King of David
Name Means: The cause of a Father's joy
Born: 1000 BC
Died: 950 BC
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
One of the Seven female Prophets of the Old Testament
Remakably humble and virtuous
Named herself: "The Handmaiden of the Servants of God"
Treated her slaves like kings and washed their feet
Saint Abigail Medals
The Virgin Mary (Patron of Mothers)
Patron Saint: Mother of God
The Virgin Mother of God, Saint Mary was born to Father Saint Joaquin and Mother Saint Anne. Raised in a religious and pious home, Mary was compelled to live a life dedicated to God and her Religious beliefs, which were devoutly Jewish, with Moses considered as the Divine Messenger of God.
Shortly before Jesus was born onto Mary, Saint Joseph wed the Virgin Mother, yet had no physical relations with her, due to the fact that Mary consecrated her Virginity to God. Mary was told by the Archangel St. Gabriel through the Annunciation, that she will concieve the Son of God by the Power of The Holy Spirit. Joseph is considered to be the Betrothed Father of Jesus as he raised Jesus as his own, although Jesus was not born of Joseph's loin.
The Virgin Mother Saint Mary bore The Baby Jesus in the Manger of a farm in Bethlehem. Both Mary and Joseph were very concerned for the safety of the Newborn Christ because the authorities had caught wind of the coming of a Newborn King. In response, the Emperor Herodes sent his armies to kill the first born male child of every family in the city.
Mary was extraordinarily humble and pious, raising Jesus to follow the scriptures devoutly.
The Virgin Mother Saint Mary is venerated as the Mother of the Christian and Catholic Church. Saint Mary is also indoctrinated in a wide range of Patronages such as Mothers, Airline Pilots, Cyclists and Dioceses worldwide. The grace of The Virgin Mother extends to countless Catholic and Christian Institutions. Many countries, states and cities celebrate her memorials and feasts as there are several, every month of the year.
The Virgin Saint Mary is depicted in several Catholic images and prayers such as the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Annunciation, Holy Family, Sacred Heart, Madonna and Child, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes and Hail Mary.
The Blessed Virgin Mother Miraculous Medals
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha (Patron of Exiles)
Prayer of the Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha:
O God who, among the many marvels of Your Grace in the New World, did cause to blossom on the banks of the Mohawk and of the St. Lawrence, the pure and tender Lily, Kateri Tekakwitha, grant we beseech You, the favor we beg through her intercession; that this Young Lover of Jesus and of His Cross may soon be counted among her Saints by Holy Mother Church, and that our hearts may be enkindled with a stronger desire to imitate her innocence and faith. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
-Most Reverend Howard J. Hubbard, DD, Bishop of Albany, N.Y.
Born: New York, USA, 1656
Died: April, 1680, Canada
Venerated: January, 1943
Beautified: June, 1980 - John Paul II
Canonized: Pending
Additional Patronages: People in exile and people ridiculed for their piety
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Remarkably spiritual and austere
Miracle worker
Acknowledged Miracles at her grave site
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Medals and Prayer Cards
Blessed Saint Christina (Patron of Mental Handicaps)
Patron Saint: Mental Handicaps
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Saint Christina was born to a very poor family and suffered from severe epilipsy. At one point, Christina suffered such an intense seizure she was presumed dead. When the funeral Mass was taking place, she awoke and levitated to the roof of the Church. The priest of the Mass asked her to come down and she softly landed on the Alter. Christina told the congregation she had been to heaven, purgatory and hell, and returned with the mission to pray for the souls in purgatory.
St. Christina or Blessed Christina, because she was never formally Beautified or Canonized, was considered quite bizarre by the people who knew her. Most consider her a Holy woman, but she avoided many people because she did not like the pungent smell of their sins. Christina was also able to endure grueling elements such as holding flames, and immersing herself in freezing water without any injury whatsoever. She lived in poverty, sleeping on rocks and begging for whatever food she could get to sustain herself. Sometimes the Prioress of Saint Catherine's convent would convince her to accept a warm bed and meal. Although many thought the devil was inside of her, the Prioress reported that Christina would always follow her orders without question. Saint Christina died of natural causes.
Saint Christina Pendants and Medals
Blessed Caroline (Patron of Learning)
Saint Caroline...
I am so very little, You could put me in your pocket…or where’ere you will. I am so very small A gherkin size, that’s all… I would be with you the handsome one, who is so bold and tall. Saint Caroline, they called me. We opened schools…and taught all peoples- We wanted growth and learning, too. Integrity and honesty would befit all who knew. Within your pocket would be Saint Caroline. G-d has called this friend of thine. Would not your hand clasp that friend of thine, G-d has called Saint Caroline? Your brilliance - resounding voice Would open cluttered minds. Each day another lesson, and students waiting in long lines. Saint Caroline would say we are blessed each in one’s own way. We learn – we play on each G-d’s day. We love – we cry, we scale G-d’s world…it is so high. We are blessed – it is Divine. Thee and Saint Caroline!
Dr. C.S. Westerhof Ph.D.
Also Known as: Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger
Memorial: May 9th
Born: June 20th 1797 in Germany
Died: May 9th, 1879 in Germany of natural causes
Venerated: January 1983 by Pope John Paul II
Beautified: November 1985 by Pope John Paul II
Canonized: Pending
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Established the School Sister's of Notre Dame shortly after a decree by the Vatican was established with the Bavarian Government to end the ban on religious orders
Devoted her life to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Caroline Charm Medals and Figurine
I am so very little, You could put me in your pocket…or where’ere you will. I am so very small A gherkin size, that’s all… I would be with you the handsome one, who is so bold and tall. Saint Caroline, they called me. We opened schools…and taught all peoples- We wanted growth and learning, too. Integrity and honesty would befit all who knew. Within your pocket would be Saint Caroline. G-d has called this friend of thine. Would not your hand clasp that friend of thine, G-d has called Saint Caroline? Your brilliance - resounding voice Would open cluttered minds. Each day another lesson, and students waiting in long lines. Saint Caroline would say we are blessed each in one’s own way. We learn – we play on each G-d’s day. We love – we cry, we scale G-d’s world…it is so high. We are blessed – it is Divine. Thee and Saint Caroline!
Dr. C.S. Westerhof Ph.D.
Also Known as: Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger
Memorial: May 9th
Born: June 20th 1797 in Germany
Died: May 9th, 1879 in Germany of natural causes
Venerated: January 1983 by Pope John Paul II
Beautified: November 1985 by Pope John Paul II
Canonized: Pending
Why she is venerated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church:
Established the School Sister's of Notre Dame shortly after a decree by the Vatican was established with the Bavarian Government to end the ban on religious orders
Devoted her life to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Caroline Charm Medals and Figurine